Iraqi Dinar

There's an event that's happened before only THREE TIMES in modern history, and it's happening again RIGHT NOW! It's creating an incredible window of opportunity that major financial institutions and influential insiders are using to make many MILLIONS--even BILLIONS--of dollars, and YOU CAN, TOO!
It may not last much longer, so I advise you to not waste any time taking advantage of it--it could literally end at any moment!
At the end of World War II the German Deutsch Mark and the Soviet Russian Ruble went down in value to almost nothing. The same was true for the Dinar in Kuwait after "Desert Storm".
If you had purchased those currencies RIGHT THEN at rock bottom prices and then sold them later when the country regained its' economic stability, you could have become an INSTANT MILLIONAIRE for just a few bucks!
Well, that same circumstance is HAPPENING AGAIN RIGHT NOW IN IRAQ! Because of the conflict in Iraq you can buy Dinar cheaply TODAY! You can buy a MILLION Iraqi Dinar for LESS THAN A THOUSAND DOLLARS!

The Rationale
The US dollar is worth a dollar because the US federal government SAYS it is. The World Bank takes the US government's word for it and, based on the economic stability, assigns the US dollar an international value. Right now there is no central government in Iraq (since the ousting of Saddam Hussein) and there won't be until their Parliament has finished setting up their new constitution--which they're working on now.
(They just held a special election on Saturday, October 15th to further that process.)
In 2002, before the conflict in Iraq , the Dinar was valued at about $0.32 US! If you had 100,000 Dinar then you could have cashed it in for over 32,000 Dollars in US Money!!!
Although the Iraqi Dinar is still good today in Iraq and its citizens are using it to buy and sell daily, its international value right now is only about a fraction of a US penny!
Many economists believe the Dinar will return to at least its 2002 value level in the near future!

The New Iraqi Dinar
The Iraqi Dinar is the legal currency of Iraq . Prior to the 1991 war the official rate of the Iraqi Dinar was approximately 1 Dinar to 3 US dollars. The currency's value significantly dropped after the 1991 invasion and United Nations embargo. The value of the Iraqi Dinar has since appreciated from lows of approximately 3,000 Dinar's per US Dollar to between 1,400 and 1,500 recently.
The old Iraqi Dinar issued prior to October 2003 showed the image of Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. Following his removal in the 2003 invasion of Iraq , the Iraqi Governing Council made public display of images of Hussein illegal. In an effort to feed the Iraqi economy, the Office for Reconstruction and Humanitarian Assistance began printing more 250-dinar notes. Saddam Hussein appeared on all post-war Iraqi Dinar banknotes, aside from the reprinted "Horse herd" 25 Dinar note.
In October 2003 the United States occupation administration authorized a new banknote issue comprised of denominations of 50, 250, 1000, 5000, 10000, and 25000 Dinar. A 500 Dinar note was issued in October 2004, and notes of 25, and 100 Dinar are anticipated. These new notes replaced the old Dinar of Saddam's era and have quickly been accepted. The new Dinar is more secure unlike the easy to counterfeit old Saddam Dinar. It has many visible and invisible security features that are virtually impossible to fake. This new and secured Dinar will undoubtedly provide a stable foundation for Iraq 's future economic growth.

Why Invest in the Dinar?
Read a few of the many factual and expert analysis and findings by notable economists, economic publications, government heads and more - about the current and future trends of the Iraqi Dinar.
Iraq holds the second largest oil reserve in the world, with 95 percent of Iraq 's revenue coming from exported oil. Combine that with the continued rise of oil prices and you have the makings of a strong economic comeback. The Iraqi Dinar has also managed to appreciate in value from its all time low of 3000 Dinar to one US dollar to the recent level of between 1500 and 1400 Dinar to one US dollar. Before the 1991 war it was 1 Dinar to 3 US dollar. Keep in mind that the new Dinar has only been in existence since October 15th 2003 . The monetary system established by the new government encourages foreign investment, a key to developing a strong economy.
A new stock market opened recently with record trading volumes pushing stock prices drastically upwards for the 27 firms listed, with over 2 billion shares changing hands in only 6 trading sessions. Real estate in Iraq is booming, largely because of the severely depressed prices due to the restrictive policies of the old regime. With money flowing into Iraq , citizens are now buying houses in neighbourhoods generally reserved for government officials.

History of the Dinar
History of the Iraqi Dinar - see the timeline of events that has occurred in the recent past that has affected the value of the Dinar. The Iraqi Dinar is currently at the lowest ever value and is expected to climb at a very rapid pace.
Currency unit consists of 1,000 fils or 20 dirhams. When officially introduced at the end of the British mandate (1932), the dinar was equal to, and was linked to, the British pound sterling, which at that time was equal to US$4.86.
Iraqi dinar (ID) equalled US$4.86 between 1932 and 1949 and after devaluation in 1949, equalled US$2.80 between 1949 and 1971.
Iraq officially uncoupled the dinar from the pound sterling as a gesture of independence in 1959, but the dinar remained at parity with the pound until the British unit of currency was again devalued in 1967.
One Iraqi dinar remained equal to US$2.80 until December 1971, when major realignments of world currencies began.
Upon the devaluation of the United States dollar in 1973, the Iraqi dinar appreciated to US$3.39.
It remained at this level until the outbreak of the Iran-Iraq War in 1980.
In 1982 Iraq devalued the dinar by 5 percent, to a value equal to US$3.22, and sustained this official exchange rate without additional devaluation despite mounting debt.
In early 1988, the official dinar-dollar exchange rate was still ID1 to US$3.22; however, with estimates of the nation’s inflation rate ranging from 25 percent to 50 percent per year in 1985 and 1986, the dinar’s real transaction value, or black market exchange rate, was far lower-only about half the 1986 official rate.
1986–2003 Exchange rate was between .33 cents to 1.32 to a dollar.
In October 2003, the official dinar-dollar exchange rate was ID1 to US$0.00027.
August 2004 till 2005, the official dinar-dollar exchange rate is ID1 to US$0.00068. Population: 25,374,691 (July 2004 estimate.)
Selling Price For I,000,000 Dinar (25,000 dinar note)
USA, Canada, Mexico USD 2000.00
China RMB 14,000.00
Hong Kong HKD 14,000.00
Malaysia RM 7000.00
Singapore SG$ 3260.00
Indonesia USD2000.00
All Other Countries USD2000.00
** We accept swisscash points and egold
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